[Up] [Image Processing Course] [Functions] [Data Types] Toolbox ia636 V0.5 10dec2002

Image Processing Functions

Image Creation

iabwlp Low-Pass Butterworth frequency filter.
iacircle Create a binary circle image.
iaramp Create an image with vertical bands of increasing gray values.
iacos Create a cossenoidal image.
iagaussian Generate a 2D Gaussian image.
iaellipse Generate a 2D ellipse, rectangle or diamond image.
ialog Laplacian of Gaussian image.
iacomb Create a grid of impulses image.
iarectangle Create a binary rectangle image.

Image Information and Manipulation

iaroi Cut a rectangle out of an image.
iacrop Crop an image to find the minimum rectangle.
iapad Extend the image inserting a frame around it.
iatile Replicate the image until reach a new size.
iaind2sub Convert linear index to double subscripts.
iameshgrid Create two 2-D matrices of indexes.
ianeg Negate an image.
ianormalize Normalize the pixels values between the specified range.
iasub2ind Convert linear double subscripts to linear index.

Image file I/O

iaread Read an image file (PBM, PGM and PPM).
iawrite Write an image file (PBM, PGM and PPM).

Contrast Manipulation

iaapplylut Intensity image transform.
iacolormap Create a colormap table.

Color Processing

iatcrgb2ind True color RGB to index image and colormap.
iargb2hsv Convert RGB to HSV color model.
iahsv2rgb Convert HSV to RGB color model.
iargb2ycbcr Convert RGB to YCbCr color model.
iaycbcr2rgb Convert RGB to YCbCr color model.

Geometric Manipulations

iaffine Affine transform.
iageorigid 2D Rigid body geometric transformation and scaling.
iaresize Resizes an image.
iaptrans Periodic translation.

Image Transformation

iadct Discrete Cossine Transform.
iadctmatrix Kernel matrix for the DCT Transform.
iadft Discrete Fourier Transform.
iadftmatrix Kernel matrix for the DFT Transform.
iafftshift Shifts zero-frequency component to center of spectrum.
iaifftshift Undoes the effects of iafftshift.
iahaarmatrix Kernel matrix for the Haar Transform.
iahadamard Hadamard Transform.
iahadamardmatrix Kernel matrix for the Hadamard Transform.
iahwt Haar Wavelet Transform.
iaidct Inverse Discrete Cossine Transform.
iaidft Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform.
iaihadamard Inverse Hadamard Transform.
iaihwt Inverse Haar Wavelet Transform.
iaisdftsym Check for conjugate symmetry

Image Filtering

ialogfilter Laplacian of Gaussian filter.
iacontour Contours of binary images.
iaconv 2D convolution.
iapconv 2D Periodic convolution.
iasobel Sobel edge detection.
iavarfilter Variance filter.

Automatic Thresholding Techniques

iaotsu Thresholding by Otsu.


iahistogram Image histogram.
iastat Calculates MSE, PSNR and Pearson correlation between two images.
iacolorhist Color-image histogram.
ialabel Label a binary image.
iarec Reconstruction of a connect component.

Halftoning Approximation

iadither Ordered Dither.
iafloyd Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion.


iaisolines Isolines of a grayscale image.
iadftview Generate optical Fourier Spectrum for display from DFT data.
ialblshow Display a labeled image assigning a random color for each label.
iaplot Plot a function.
iasplot Plot a surface.
iashow Image display.
iagshow Matrix of the image display.


iaerror Print message of error.
iaunique Set unique.
iatype Print the source code of a function.
[Up] [Image Processing Course] [Functions] [Data Types] http://www.python.org