[iacos] [Up] [iaellipse] Image Creation

Generate a 2D Gaussian image.


g = iagaussian( s, mu, sigma )

Implemented in Python.


s Image. Gray-scale (uint8 or uint16) or binary image (logical).

[rows columns]

mu Image. Gray-scale (uint8 or uint16) or binary image (logical).

Mean vector. 2D point (x;y). Point of maximum value.

sigma Image. Gray-scale (uint8 or uint16) or binary image (logical).

covariance matrix (square). [ Sx^2 Sxy; Syx Sy^2]


g Image. Gray-scale (uint8 or uint16) or binary image (logical).


A 2D Gaussian image is an image with a Gaussian distribution. It can be used to generate test patterns or Gaussian filters both for spatial and frequency domain. The integral of the gaussian function is 1.0.


>>> import Numeric

>>> f = iagaussian([8,4], [3,1], [[1,0],[0,1]])

>>> print Numeric.array2string(f, precision=4, suppress_small=1)
[[ 0.0011  0.0018  0.0011  0.0002]
 [ 0.0131  0.0215  0.0131  0.0029]
 [ 0.0585  0.0965  0.0585  0.0131]
 [ 0.0965  0.1592  0.0965  0.0215]
 [ 0.0585  0.0965  0.0585  0.0131]
 [ 0.0131  0.0215  0.0131  0.0029]
 [ 0.0011  0.0018  0.0011  0.0002]
 [ 0.      0.0001  0.      0.    ]]
>>> g = ianormalize(f, [0,255]).astype(Numeric.UnsignedInt8)

>>> print g
[[  1   2   1   0]
 [ 20  34  20   4]
 [ 93 154  93  20]
 [154 255 154  34]
 [ 93 154  93  20]
 [ 20  34  20   4]
 [  1   2   1   0]
 [  0   0   0   0]]

>>> f = iagaussian(100, 50, 10*10)

>>> g = ianormalize(f, [0,1])

>>> g,d = iaplot(g)

>>> f = iagaussian([50,50], [25,10], [[10*10,0],[0,20*20]])

>>> g = ianormalize(f, [0,255]).astype(Numeric.UnsignedInt8)

>>> iashow(g)
(50, 50) Min= 0 Max= 255 Mean=83.974 Std=72.81



Source Code

def iagaussian(s, mu, sigma):
    from Numeric import asarray, product, arange, NewAxis, transpose, matrixmultiply, reshape, concatenate, resize, sum, zeros, Float, ravel, pi, sqrt, exp
    from LinearAlgebra import inverse, determinant
    if type(sigma).__name__ in ['int', 'float', 'complex']: sigma = [sigma]
    s, mu, sigma = asarray(s), asarray(mu), asarray(sigma)
    if (product(s) == max(s)):
        x = arange(product(s))
        d = x - mu
        if len(d.shape) == 1:
            tmp1 = d[:,NewAxis]
            tmp3 = d
            tmp1 = transpose(d)
            tmp3 = tmp1
        if len(sigma) == 1:
            tmp2 = 1./sigma
            tmp2 = inverse(sigma)
        k = matrixmultiply(tmp1, tmp2) * tmp3
        aux = arange(product(s))
        x, y = iaind2sub(s, aux)
        xx = reshape(concatenate((x,y)), (2, product(x.shape)))
        d = transpose(xx) - resize(reshape(mu,(len(mu),1)), (s[0]*s[1],len(mu)))
        if len(sigma) == 1:
            tmp = 1./sigma
            tmp = inverse(sigma)
        k = matrixmultiply(d, tmp) * d
        k = sum(transpose(k))
    g = zeros(s, Float)
    aux = ravel(g)
    if len(sigma) == 1:
        tmp = sigma
        tmp = determinant(sigma)
    aux[:] = 1./(2*pi*sqrt(tmp)) * exp(-1./2 * k)
    return g

See also

iacircle Create a binary circle image.
[iacos] [Up] [iaellipse] http://www.python.org