[iavarfilter] [Up] [iahistogram] Automatic Thresholding Techniques

Thresholding by Otsu.


t eta = iaotsu( f )

Implemented in Python.


f Image. Gray-scale (uint8 or uint16) or binary image (logical).

input image.


t eta Double.

Maximum of this result is the thresholding.


Compute the automatic thresholding level of a gray scale image based on the Otsu method.


Example 1
Example 2
>>> import Numeric

>>> f = iaread('cookies.pgm')

>>> iashow(f)
(174, 314) Min= 16 Max= 205 Mean=94.752 Std=57.61
>>> (t, eta) = iaotsu(f)

>>> print 'threshold at %f, goodness=%f\n' %(t, eta)
threshold at 90.000000, goodness=0.938940
>>> iashow(f > t)
(174, 314) Min= 0 Max= 1 Mean=0.527 Std=0.50
f f > t


Source Code

def iaotsu(f):
    from Numeric import product, shape, arange, cumsum, nonzero, sum
    n = product(shape(f))
    h = 1.*iahistogram(f) / n
    x = arange(product(shape(h)))
    w0 = cumsum(h)
    w1 = 1 - w0
    eps = 1e-10
    m0 = cumsum(x * h) / (w0 + eps)
    mt = m0[-1]
    m1 = (mt - m0[0:-1]*w0[0:-1]) / w1[0:-1]
    sB2 = w0[0:-1] * w1[0:-1] * ((m0[0:-1] - m1)**2)
    v = max(sB2)
    t = nonzero(sB2 == v)[0]
    st2 = sum((x-mt)**2 * h)
    eta = v / st2
    return t, eta
[iavarfilter] [Up] [iahistogram] http://www.python.org