[iadftmatrix] [Up] [iaifftshift] Image Transformation

Shifts zero-frequency component to center of spectrum.


HS = iafftshift( H )

Implemented in Python.


H Image. Gray-scale (uint8 or uint16) or binary image (logical).

FFT image.


HS Image. Gray-scale (uint8 or uint16) or binary image (logical).

Shift of the FFT image.


The origen (0,0) of the DFT is normally at top-left corner of the image. For visualization purposes, it is common to periodicaly translate the origen to the image center. This is particularly interesting because of the complex conjugate simmetry of the DFT of a real function. Note that as the image can have even or odd sizes, to translate back the DFT from the center to the corner, there is another correspondent function.


>>> import Numeric

>>> import FFT

>>> f = iarectangle([120,150],[7,10],[60,75])

>>> F = FFT.fft2d(f)

>>> Fs = iafftshift(F)

>>> iashow(Numeric.log(abs(F)+1))
(120, 150) Min= 0.0 Max= 4.26267987704 Mean=0.963 Std=0.86
>>> iashow(Numeric.log(abs(Fs)+1))
(120, 150) Min= 0.0 Max= 4.26267987704 Mean=0.776 Std=0.87
Numeric.log(abs(F)+1) Numeric.log(abs(Fs)+1)


Source Code

def iafftshift(H):
    from Numeric import asarray, NewAxis, array
    H = asarray(H)
    if len(H.shape) == 1: H = H[NewAxis,:]
    HS = iaptrans(H, array(H.shape)/2)
    return HS

See also

iaifftshift Undoes the effects of iafftshift.
iaptrans Periodic translation.
iadftview Generate optical Fourier Spectrum for display from DFT data.
[iadftmatrix] [Up] [iaifftshift] http://www.python.org