<<VRML 2.0 - An Introductory view by examples

Presenting VRML

VRML is a file format for describing interactive 3D objects and worlds to be used on the World Wide Web. Presently you can start using VRML installing one of the following browsers :

Getting inside of VRML

The browser we used to test all the examples you will find in this text is the Liquid Reality for Sun Solaris [LR]. See [Instructions].

The VRML paradigm

The paradigm to produce VRML programs is based on nodes defining a scene graph. Nodes are useful for doing 3D graphics, multimedia, and interactive world building. Each node defines a name, a type and a default value for its parameters.

There are two kinds of parameters: fields and events.

Fields can be called simply "fields" (private) or "exposedFields" (public);
Events can be sent from a Node to another by an eventOut parameter and received by an eventIn. This can also be done by exposedFields parameters (exposedField = eventIn + field + eventOut).
Events signalize changes caused by external stimuli and can be propagated by the nodes using Routes, which connect an eventOut to an eventIn of the same type. Events and Routes drive the animation of the worlds.

Defining a VRML program

Your VRML program, named your-program.wrl, must have in its first line the characters :

#VRML V2.0 utf8

defining that it is a VRML file using UTF-8 encoding of the ISO 10646.

VRML files have the following contents (or part of) : [example-html] [run]

Introduction Nodes Reuse-Prototypes Sensors
Routes Time Scripting