h o m e

List of Recent Publications:


El-Hani, C., Queiroz, J.,  & Emmeche, C. (forthcoming). Genes, Information and Semiosis. Tartu Semiotic Library.

Queiroz, J. & Gudwin, R. (eds.) (forthcoming) Tópicos em Inteligência Computacional e Semiótica. EDUC.

Gudwin, R. & Queiroz, J. (forthcoming) Semiotics and Intelligent Systems Development. Idea Group Inc. (IGI). Preface

Loula, A., Gudwin, R., Queiroz, J. (in press) Artificial Cognition Systems. Idea Group Inc. (IGI).

Queiroz, J. (2004) Semiose segundo C.S.Peirce. EDUC-FAPESP. PDF

Book Chapters:

Loula, A., Gudwin, R., Ribeiro S., Araújo, I. e Queiroz, J. (2004) A proposal for a synthesis approach of semiotic artificial creatures. In: de Castro, L.N.  and von Zuben, F.J. (eds). Recent Developments in Biologically Inspired Computing. Idea Group Inc. (IGI). pp 270-300.


Queiroz, J. & Merrell, F. (forthcoming) Semiosis and pragmatism: toward a dynamic concept of meaning.

Loula, A., El-Hani, C., Gudwin, R., Queiroz, J. (forthcoming). The emergence of self-organized symbol-based communication in artificial creatures.

Ribeiro, S., Loula, A., Araujo, I., Gudwin, R., Queiroz, J. (in press). Symbols are not uniquely human. Biosystems. PDF Available online: DOI

Farias, P. & Queiroz, J. (in press) Images, diagrams and metaphors: hypoicons in the context of Peirce’s 66-fold classification of signs. Semiotica -- Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies. PDF

Queiroz, J. & El-Hani, C. (in press). Towards a multi-level approach to the emergence of meaning in living systems. Acta Biotheoretica. PDF

El-Hani, C., Queiroz, J. & Emmeche, C. (in press) A semiotic analysis of the genetic information system. Semiotica -- Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies.

Queiroz, J., El-Hani, C. (in press) Semiosis as an Emergent Process. Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society: A Quarterly Journal in American Philosophy
42 (1): 78-116. PDF
El-Hani, C. & Queiroz, J. (in press) Semiose e emergência. Galaxia.

Queiroz, J., Gudwin, R., Loula, A. (in press) Semiótica Sintética: sobre a síntese de criaturas simbólicas artificiais. In Cognito 3(2). PDF

El-Hani, C. & Queiroz, J. (2005) Modos de irredutibilidade das propriedades emergentes. Scientiæ Studia, São Paulo, v. 3, n. 1, p. 9-41. Abstract 

El-Hani, C. & Queiroz, J. (2005) Downward Determination. Abstracta 1(2):162-192. PDF

Queiroz, J., Emmeche, C. & El-Hani, C. (2005) Information and Semiosis in Living Systems: a semiotic approach. S.E.E.D. Journal (Semiotics, Evolution, Energy, and Development)
5(1):60-90. PDF

Queiroz, J. & Merrell, F. (eds.) (2005) Abduction – between subjectivity and objectivity. (special issue on Abduction: Semiotica - Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies 153, 1/4). cover online PDF

Farias, P. & Queiroz, J. (2004). 10cubes and 3N3: Using interactive diagrams to model Charles Peirce’s classifications of signs. Semiotica -- Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies 151 (1/4): 41-63. PDF draft

Farias, P., Queiroz, J. (2003). On diagrams for Peirce's 10, 28, and 66 classes of signs. Semiotica -- Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies 147 (1/4): 165-184.

Queiroz, J., Gudwin, R. (guest editors) (2003) Special issue on Computational Intelligence and Semiotics - S.E.E.D. Journal -- Semiotics, Evolution, Energy, and Development. on-line

Queiroz, J., Gudwin, R. (2003) Computational Intelligence and Semiotics – on the synthesis of semiosis in artificial systems and creatures.
S.E.E.D. Journal (Semiotics, Evolution, Energy, and Development), 3(3), pp.1-4.  HTML

Loula, A., Gudwin, R., Queiroz, J. (2003). Synthetic approach of symbolic creatures.
S.E.E.D. Journal (Semiotics, Evolution, Energy, and Development), 3(3), pp.125-133. HTML

Gomes, A., Gudwin, R., Queiroz, J. (2003) Towards Meaning Processes in Computers from Peircean Semiotics.
S.E.E.D. Journal (Semiotics, Evolution, Energy, and Development) 3(2), p. 69-79. HTML


Gomes, A., Gudwin, R., El-Hani, C., Queiroz, J. (forthcoming) Towards Meaning Process in Computer from Peircean Semiotics. In European Computing and Philosophy conference, June 3rd to 5th, 2004, University of Pavia, Italy.

Freitas, J. S., Gudwin, R., Queiroz, J. (2005). Emotion in Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Life Research: Facing Problems. Intelligent Virtual Agents: 5th International Working Conference, IVA 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3661:501. Abstract(PDF) Extended Version(PDF) Springer
Loula, A. Gudwin, R. El-Hani, C.N. & Queiroz, J. (2005) The Emergence of Symbol-Based Communication in a
Complex System of Artificial Creatures. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems KIMAS '05: Modeling, Evolution and Engineering. 18 - 21 April 2005. Waltham, Massachusetts.
Craig Thmpson & Henry Hexmoor (eds.). IEEE. pp.279-284. PDF

Gomes, A., Gudwin, R. & Queiroz, J. 2005. Meaningful Agents: A Semiotic Approach. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems. KIMAS ’05: Modeling, Evolution, and Engineering. Craig Thmpson & Henry Hexmoor (eds.). IEEE. Vol.1, pp.399-404.

Loula, A., Gudwin, R. e Queiroz, J. (2004) Symbolic Communication in Artificial Creatures: an experiment in Artificial Life. In XVII Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence - SBIA'04, September 29 - October 1, 2004, São Luís, Maranhão - Brazil (to appear in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag).  PDF Springer

Loula, A., Gudwin, R. e Queiroz, J. (2004) Comunicação Simbólica entre Criaturas Artificiais: um experimento em Vida Artificial. In II Workshop de Teses e Dissertações em Inteligência Artificial WTDIA'04, September 28, 2004, São Luis – Brasil. (in portuguese) PDF

Gomes, A., Gudwin, R. & Queiroz, J. (2003) On a Computational Model of Peircean Semiosis, In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems - KIMAS'03, Cambridge, MA, USA, 30-sep/04-oct 2003, IEEE, pp. 703-708. (ed.) Henry Hexmoor. PDF
Queiroz, J., Ribeiro, S. (2002) The biological substrate of icons, indexes and symbols in animal communication: a neurosemiotic analysis of Vervet monkey alarm-calls. In: The Peirce Seminar Papers – The State of the Art. Vol. V (Ed.) M. Shapiro. Berghahn Books. pp. 69-78. PDF

Loula, A., Gudwin, R., Ribeiro S., Araújo, I. e Queiroz, J. (2002). A proposal for a synthesis approach of semiotic artificial creatures. In: Joao Queiroz and Ricardo Gudwin (Eds.), Proceedings from the II Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Semiotics, October 8 and 9, 2002. Itaú Cultural, São Paulo. PUC-SP/UNICAMP.  v.1. p.42 - 47

Gudwin, R., Loula, A., Ribeiro S., Araújo, I. e Queiroz, J.. (2004) A proposal for a synthetic approach of symbolic semiosis. In: Körper - Verkörperung - Entkörperung / Body - Embodiment - Disembodiment [Akten des 10. Internationalen Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Semiotik. Nöth, Winfried und Guido Ipsen (Hrsg.). 2003]. Kassel: Kassel University Press (CD-ROM). pp.641-658

Thesis and Technical Reports:

Queiroz, J. & El-Hani, C. (2004) Towards a multi-level approach to the emergence of semiosis. DCA-FEEC Technical Report 04-07; 1-21. 2004.  PDF

Loula, Angelo (2004) Comunicação Simbólica entre Criaturas Artificiais: um experimento em Vida Artificial. MSc Thesis.  School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). (in portuguese) PDF