<<VRML 2.0 - An Introductory view by examples


[elevation grid example]                              [run-example] 

This geometric node specifies a uniform regular grid of varying height in the y=0 plane of the local coordinate system. The grid is defined by an xDimension by zDimension array of scalar values defined by the parameter height (height has the data by row).

eventIn MFFloat set_height # input event for defining height

field SFBool solid TRUE # visibility of faces

field SFBool colorPerVertex TRUE#
exposedField SFNode color NULL # the color node

field SFBool normalPerVertex TRUE#
exposedField SFNode normal NULL # the normal node
field SFFloat creaseAngle 0 #
field SFBool ccw TRUE # normal orientation

exposedField SFNode texCoord NULL #

exposedField MFFloat height [ ] # (0,0) -> (xDimension-1,zDimension-1)
field SFInt32 xDimension 0 # number of rows - 1
field SFFloat xSpacing 1.0 # spacing in x-direction
field SFInt32 zDimension 0 # number of columns - 1
field SFFloat zSpacing 1.0 # spacing in z-direction

Usage :

   geometry ElevationGrid {
