[iait] [Up] [iacorrdemo] Lessons

Illustrate how to make a histogram equalization


The histogram equatization is an intensity transform that makes the histogram of the output image as flat as possible.

Demo Script

Computing the normalized cumulative histogram (NCH)

>>> f = iaread('woodlog.pgm')

>>> iashow(f)
(256, 256) Min= 0 Max= 255 Mean=91.026 Std=53.61
>>> h = iahistogram(f)

>>> g,d1 = iaplot(h)
>>> g('set data style boxes')

>>> g.plot(d1)
>>> nch = cumsum(h) / (1.*product(f.shape))

>>> g,d2 = iaplot(nch)
>>> g('set data style boxes')

>>> g.plot(d2)
f h
d1 nch

Use the NCH as intensity transform

>>> gn = (255 * iaapplylut(f, nch)).astype('b')

>>> iashow(gn)
(256, 256) Min= 0 Max= 255 Mean=127.723 Std=73.49
>>> gh = iahistogram(gn)

>>> g,d1 = iaplot(gh)
>>> g('set data style boxes')

>>> g.plot(d1)
>>> gch = cumsum(gh) # cumulative histogram

>>> g,d2 = iaplot(gch)
>>> g('set data style boxes')

>>> g.plot(d2)
gn gh
d1 gch

[iait] [Up] [iacorrdemo] http://www.python.org