IA009 - Introdução à Teoria de Agentes




LAST UPDATE: 15/07/2010

Professor Responsável

Prof. Ricardo Ribeiro Gudwin


Agentes: conceitos básicos; Atributos e usos de agentes; categorias de agentes; agentes e objetos; agentes, processos,threads e programação distribuída; agentes de internet; agentes de interface; agentes móveis; sistemas multi-agentes; ontologias e linguagens de agentes; redes de agentes.


1o Semestre de 2001

2o Semestre de 2002

1o Semestre de 2004

1o Semestre de 2007

1o Semestre de 2010


Jeffrey M. Bradshaw - "Software Agents", AAAI Press / MIT Press, 1997.

Richard Murch, Tony Johnson - "Intelligent Software Agents", Prentice Hall, 1999.

Fah-Chun Cheong - "Internet Agents - Spiders, Wanderers, Brokers and Bots", New Riders Publishing, 1996.

Stuart Russel, Peter Norvig - "Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach" - Prentice Hall, 1995.

Rosalind W. Picard - "Affective Computing" , MIT Press, 1997.

Artigos em periódicos especializados

Material de Apoio

Transparências do Curso, e leituras recomendadas podem ser encontradas aqui.

Recursos computacionais (programas, plataformas, etc) podem ser encontrados aqui. (É necessária um login e password para acessar estes recursos ... procure o professor para obter a sua senha)

Lista de exercícios pode ser encontrada aqui

Links de interesse em Agentes

General Sources
CompInfo - Intelligent Agents - Information Sources and Manufacturers
UMBC AgentWeb
Other agent related web resources
Special Interest Group on Distributed Artificial Intelligence - Germany
AgentLink - European Network of Excellence in Agent Technology

Software Packages
IBM Aglets
ObjectSpace Voyager
General Magic

CERN - Mobile Agents in JAVA
Agent or Program
White Paper: Concordia: An Infrastructure for Collaborating Mobile Agents
Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages: A Survey
Software Agents: An Overview
A Roadmap of Agent Research and Development
Applications of Intelligent Agents
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
The Belief-Desire-Intention Model of Agency
BDI Agents: From Theory to Practice
Defining Spatial Agents

People involved with Agents
Stan Franklin's Homepage
Intelligent Software Agents by Sverker Janson

Articles in JavaWorld
An introduction to agents - JavaWorld - June 1998
Agents on the move - JavaWorld - July 1998
Agents talking to agents - JavaWorld - September 1998
Agents can think, too! - JavaWorld - October 1998
Other agents pages in JavaWorld…


FIPA versus KQML
Comparing Agent Communication Languages