Theses |
R.R. Gudwin, "Núcleo de Um Sistema de Processamento de Conhecimento em Tempo Real" - M.S. Thesis - DCA-FEE-UNICAMP - Feb. 1992. |
R.R. Gudwin, "Contribuições ao Estudo Matemático de Sistemas Inteligentes" - Ph.D. Thesis - DCA-FEEC-UNICAMP - May, 1996. |
Articles in Journals and Magazines |
R.R. Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide, M.L. Andrade Netto e M.F. Magalhães, "A Real Time Procedure for Knowledge Processing", Journal of Systems Engineering vol. 4, n. 1, pp. 39-55, 1994. |
R.R. Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide, M.L. Andrade Netto e M.F. Magalhães, "Knowledge Processing in Control Systems", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 8, n. 1,pp.106-119, February 1996. |
W.Pedrycz, R.R. Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide,"Nonlinear Context Adaptation in the Calibration of Fuzzy Sets", Fuzzy Sets and Systems 88 (1997) 91-97. |
R.R.Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide, W. Pedrycz "Context Adaptation in Fuzzy Processing and Genetic Algorithms" International Journal of Intelligent Systems vol. 13, n. 10/11, pp. 929-948, Oct./Nov. 1998. |
R.R. Gudwin, M.A. Silva, H.J. Almeida Jr., I.M.C. Ribeiro, F.A.C. Gomide, A.F. Rocha, "SDAF - Uma Ferramenta para o Desenvolvimento e Teste de Sistemas Utilizando Lógica Nebulosa" - Revista do Instituto de Informática da Puccamp - Ano 1 - No. 0, pp. 18-24, 1992. |
F.A.C. Gomide, R.R. Gudwin, "Modelagem, Controle, Sistemas e Lógica Fuzzy", Controle & Automação, Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Automática, vol. 4, n° 3, pp. 97-115, Set/Out 1994. |
Articles in Events (Conferences, Symposiums, etc) |
F.A.C. Gomide, R.R. Gudwin, A.F. Rocha, M.A. Silva, H.J. Almeida Jr., I.M.C. Ribeiro, "A Fuzzy Supervision and Control Workstation", Proceedings of 3rd IFAC Symposium on Low Cost Automation LCA'92, 9-11/setembro Viena, Áustria, 1992. |
J. Favilla, A. Machion, F.A.C Gomide, R.R. Gudwin, "Adaptive Fuzzy Logic-Based Urban Traffic Control" Proceedings of 3rd Annual IAKE Symposium, 16-19/ novembro, Washington-DC, USA, 1992. |
F.A.C. Gomide, R.R. Gudwin, "Controle de Processos por Lógica Fuzzy" - Anais do 5° CONAI - Congresso Nacional de Automação Industrial - 1° Congresso Internacional de Automação - São Paulo, Junho de 1993. |
R.R. Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide, "A Real Time Procedure for Knowledge Processing", Proceedings of IFAC 1993 World Congress, 18-23/julho Sydney, Australia, 1993. |
R.R. Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide, "Genetic Algorithms and Discrete Event Systems : An Application" - Proceedings of The First IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 26/6-2/7 Orlando, Florida, USA, 1994, vol II, pp. 742-745. |
R.R. Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide, "Context Adaptation in Fuzzy Processing" - Proceedings of the Brazil-Japan Joint Symposium on Fuzzy Systems, 19-22/Julho Campinas - SP -Brasil, 1994, pp. 15-20. |
F.A.C. Gomide, R.R. Gudwin, "Modelagem, Controle, Sistemas e Lógica Fuzzy" - Tutorials of Brazil-Japan Joint Symposium on Fuzzy Systems, 19-22/julho, Campinas - SP - Brasil, 1994, pp. 1-28. |
F.A.C. Gomide, R.R. Gudwin, R. Tanscheit, "Conceitos Fundamentais da Teoria de Conjuntos Fuzzy e Aplicações" - Tutorials of 6th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress - IFSA 95, 21-28/Julho, São Paulo - SP - Brasil, 1995. |
R.R. Gudwin, F.AC. Gomide, W. Pedrycz - "Nonlinear Context Adaptation with a Genetic Algorithm" IFSA'97 - International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress - 22-28/July - .Prague, Czech Republic, 1997, vol II, pp. 300-305. |
R.R. Gudwin, F.AC. Gomide - "An Approach to Computational Semiotics" - ISAS'97 - Intelligent Systems and Semiotics - A Learning Perspective - International Conference - 22-25/September - .Gaithersburg, USA, 1997, pp. 467-470. |
R.R. Gudwin, F.AC. Gomide - "A Computational Semiotics Approach for Soft Computing" - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - SMC'97 - 12-15/October - Orlando, USA, 1997, vol. 4, pp. 3981-3986. |
R.R.Gudwin, L.L.Suarez, J.A.S.Guerrero "Comparación de la Aplicación de Métodos de Primer y Segundo Orden para el Aprendizaje de Redes Neuronales" Anales de lo 6to. Crongreso Internacional de Nuevas Tecnologías y Aplicaciones Informáticas - VI Convención y Feria Internacional INFORMATICA΄98 Havana, Cuba, Febrero, 16-21, 1998. |
R.R.Gudwin, L.L.Suarez, J.A.S.Guerrero "Comparación de la Aplicación de Métodos Inductivos y Evolutivos para el Aprendizaje de Redes Neuronales." Proceedings do II Workshop SINTED/CYTED - Sistemas Inteligentes em Edifícios, Varadero, Cuba, 2-6 Fevereiro, 1998. |
R.Gudwin, F.Gomide "Object Networks A Modelling Tool" Proceedings of FUZZ-IEEE98, WCCI98 - IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 4-9 May 1998, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, pp. 77-82 |
R.Gudwin, F.Gomide "A Fuzzy Elevator Group Controller with Linear Context Adaptation" Proceedings of FUZZ-IEEE98, WCCI98 - IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 4-9 May 1998, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, pp. 481-486. |
R. Gonçalves, F. Gomide, R. Gudwin "Fielded Object Networks as a Framework for Computer Intelligence" Proceedings of ISAS'98 - Intelligent Systems and Semiotics - International Conference, 14-18/September - Gaithersburg, USA, 1998, pp. 210-214. |
R. Gonçalves, R. Gudwin "Semiotic Oriented Autonomous Intelligent Systems Engineering" Proceedings of ISAS'98 - Intelligent Systems and Semiotics - International Conference, 14-18/September - Gaithersburg, USA, 1998, pp. 700-705. |
R.R. Gudwin "On the Generalized Deduction, Induction and Abduction as the Elementary Operators within Computational Semiotics" Proceedings of ISAS'98 - Intelligent Systems and Semiotics - International Conference, 14-18/September - Gaithersburg, USA, 1998, pp. 795-800. |
R.Gonçalves, R. Gudwin "Fielded Object Networks and Semiotic Engineering Techniques in Intelligent Systems" Proceedings do III Workshop SINTED/CYTED - Sistemas Inteligentes em Edifícios, 16-20/Novembro - Cancun, México, 1998. |
L.N. Castro, E.M. Iyoda, F.J. Von Zuben, R.R. Gudwin "Feedforward Neural Network Initialization: an Evolutionary Approach" Proceedings of Vth Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks, 9-11/December - Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 1998, pp. 43-48. |
R.R. Gudwin, M.A. Silva, H.J. Almeida Jr., I.M.C. Ribeiro, "SDAF - Uma Ferramenta Para o Desenvolvimento e Teste de Sistemas Utilizando Lógica Nebulosa" - Anais do Simpósio sobre Integração Computadorizada na Automatização Industrial, SOBRACON - Sociedade Brasileira de Comando Numérico 18-20/setembro, São Paulo-SP, 1991.
F.A.C. Gomide, R.R. Gudwin, A.F. Rocha, M.A. Silva, H.J. Almeida Jr., I.M.C. Ribeiro, "Um Ambiente para o Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Controle utilizando Lógica Nebulosa" - Anais do 9° Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 14-18/ Setembro, Vitória-ES, 1992. |
Chapters in Book |
F.A.C. Gomide, R.R. Gudwin, "Lógica Fuzzy Aplicada à Manufatura" - em L.D.B.Terra (Ed.)-M.Markus, P.P.Costa Jr. (Orgs), Manufatura Integrada por Computador - Contexto, Tendências e Técnicas, Fundação CEFETMINAS, 1995. |
R.R.Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide "Object Networks : A Formal Model to develop Intelligent Systems" in W.Pedrycz and J.F.Peters, editors Computational Intelligence in Software Engineering - World Scientific Pub Co; ISBN: 9810235038, June 1998. |
R.R.Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide "Object Networks : A Computational Framework to Compute with Words" in L.A.Zadeh and J. Kacprzyk, editors - Computing with Words in Information/Intelligent Systems Springer Verlag (to appear). |
Mini Courses |
R.R. Gudwin, "Introdução à Semiótica Computacional" - XVII Seminário Nacional dos Estudantes de Engenharia - Goiânia-GO, 21-25/Julho, 1996. |
Technical Reports |
R.R. Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide, - "Computational Semiotics : An Approach for the Study of Intelligent Systems- Part I : Foundationsl" - Technical Report RT-DCA 09 - DCA-FEEC-UNICAMP, 1997. |
R.R. Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide, - "Computational Semiotics : An Approach for the Study of Intelligent Systems- Part II : Theory and Application" - Technical Report RT-DCA 09 - DCA-FEEC-UNICAMP, 1997. |