Development-Using-WTK2.0-HOWTO Author: Rossano Pablo Pinto ( Thu Apr 10 17:17:48 BRT 2003 0. You'll use: - J2ME WTK2.0 - MIDP for PalmOS 1.0 - emacs 1. Download: - j2me_wireless_toolkit-2_0-linux-i386.bin - 2. Install J2ME WTK2.0 under /usr/local/WTK2.0 - export J2MECLASSPATH=/usr/local/WTK2.0/wtklib/ - export J2MEWTK_HOME=/usr/local/WTK2.0 3. Execute: /usr/local/WTK2.0/bin/ktoolbar & This tool is used to: - Create a new project - Compile - Run - Debug - Deploy (generate jar and jad files) Obs1.: There is NO tool to EDIT, use emacs... Obs2.: There is NO templates... 4. Step-by-step project creation: 4.1 - Click - Project Name: RPP-WebBrowser - MIDlet Class Name: webBrowser.MyBrowser Click Some msgs will be generated on the ktoolbar console: Creating project "RPP-WebBrowser" Place Java source files in "/usr/local/WTK2.0/apps/RPP-WebBrowser/src" Place Application resource files in "/usr/local/WTK2.0/apps/RPP-WebBrowser/res" Place Application library files in "/usr/local/WTK2.0/apps/RPP-WebBrowser/lib" and the window `Settings for project "RPP-WebBrowser"` will be opened. LET IT UNMODIFIED for now and click . 4.2 - cd /usr/loca/WTK2.0/apps/RPP-WebBrowser/src 4.3 - emacs & - enjoy programming the new web browser!!! Here's a simple example: package webBrowser; import javax.microedition.lcdui.*; import javax.microedition.midlet.*; public class MyBrowser extends MIDlet implements CommandListener { private Form form; public MyBrowser() { form = new Form("MyBrowser"); form.append(new StringItem(null, "MyBrowser MIDP")); form.addCommand(new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1)); form.setCommandListener(this); } public void startApp() { Display.getDisplay(this).setCurrent(form); } public void pauseApp(){} public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {} public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable s) { notifyDestroyed(); } } 4.4 - Press the button. Some msgs will appear on the ktoolbar console: Project settings saved Building "RPP-WebBrowser" Build complete 4.5 - Press . It'll open the emulator (a phone) and run the application. The following msgs should appear on the ktoolbar console: Running with storage root temp.DefaultColorPhone1049977275626 Execution completed successfully 378738 bytecodes executed 25 thread switches 429 classes in the system (including system classes) 1999 dynamic objects allocated (64620 bytes) 1 garbage collections (0 bytes collected) Warning: Cannot access audio system 5. Ok, It's high time to package it onto a jar file and generate a prc one. Let's start with the jar file. 5.1 - Click Project->Package->Create Package. The following msgs should appear on the ktoolbar console: Project settings saved Building "RPP-WebBrowser" Wrote /usr/local/WTK2.0/apps/RPP-WebBrowser/bin/RPP-WebBrowser.jar Wrote /usr/local/WTK2.0/apps/RPP-WebBrowser/bin/RPP-WebBrowser.jad Build complete 5.2 - Right, let's install MIDP for Palm OS v1.0. It provides: MIDP for Palm OS is targeted at Palm OS handhelds (Palm, Handspring, Sony, etc.) running Palm OS version 3.5, and includes the following functionality: * A binary release of CLDC and MIDP for the Palm OS platform. * A desktop utility for converting MIDlets to PRC files. * Built in capability allowing users to set MIDP preferences. * Some sample MIDlets. * User's Documentation. a-) Download (if not done yet) (553,083 bytes) ( b-) Install it: - cd /usr/local - unzip * It'll create the directory /usr/local/midp4palm1.0 * Synchronize (install) PRCFiles/*.prc files with your Palm (It's the JVM implementation for PalmOS and application examples) c-) Generate a prc file from jad + jar files: - Run the converter: * cd /usr/local/midp4palm1.0/Converter/ * java -jar Converter.jar It'll open a window. File->Convert will open another window. Provide the filename: /usr/local/WTK2.0/apps/RPP-WebBrowser/bin/RPP-WebBrowser.jad Click OK. All right, now you have the file: /usr/local/WTK2.0/apps/RPP-WebBrowser/bin/RPP-WebBrowser.prc Install it on your Palm device. NOTE: If you Project->Clean, it'll not generate the prc file 'cause this tool cleans every jar and class files. To regenerate everything Project->Package->Create Package. Appendix A - Synchronizing using USB Cradle * modprobe visor * click Synchronize on Palm * pilot-xfer -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -i RPP-WebBrowser.prc Appendix B - Configuring PalmOS Emulator (IT DOESN'T WORK WITH TUNGSTEN) 1. Download the POSE (I used the rpm files: pose-3.5-2.i386.rpm, pose-skins-1.9-1.noarch.rpm) Try this to find the files: 2. su; rpm -ivh pose-3.5-2.i386.rpm; rpm -ivh pose-skins-1.9-1.noarch.rpm 3. Connect Tungsten to the USB craddle 4. modprobe visor 5. Press HotSync Button and execute on Linux: pilot-xfer -p /dev/ttyUSB0 -i /usr/share/pose/downloads/ROM_Transfer.prc 6. On Tungsten, start the ROM Transfer program. Set the transfer to 115.200 and press Begin Transfer. 7. On Linux, execute the command pose. Right click on the window; Choose Tranfer ROM; Set the port to /dev/ttyUSB0 and Baud to 115.200 and click Begin. Provide the filename TUNGSTEN_T_ROM.bin. This will take a while...wait...wait...and wait. 8. Execute pose again and choose New: ROM file: /usr/local/TUNGSTEN_T_ROM.bin Device: (it's an inappropriate one but) Palm m515 Skin: Standard-English RAM size: 16384K Click OK (It doesn't work)