Using-Belkin-Bluetooth-on-Linux-and-Tungsten-HOWTO Author: Rossano Pablo Pinto ( Wed Apr 23 14:13:49 BRT 2003 0. Initial Advices and aknowlogements - I'm working on Kernel 2.4.20 with patch-2.4.21-pre7 - Compile the kernel - Create the rfcomm devices (from rfcomm0 to rfcomm255): I=0 while [ $I -lt 256 ]; do if [ ! -c /dev/rfcomm$I ]; then mknod -m 666 /dev/rfcomm$I c 216 $I fi I=`expr $I + 1` done - I plug the USB devices AFTER the boot. 1. On Linux Execute ./ #!/bin/bash modprobe usb-uhci modprobe hci_usb modprobe l2cap modprobe rfcomm modprobe sco modprobe bnep sleep 3 bluefw usb 001/002 hciconfig hci0 up hcid #echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward #iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE sdpd sdptool add LAN rfcomm listen 00:07:E0:0C:A0:A9 2 #pppd /dev/rfcomm0 115200 noauth ktune file /etc/ppp/options.palm 2. On Palm Click connect on net prefs 3. On Linux execute ./ #!/bin/bash pppd /dev/rfcomm0 115200 noauth ktune file /etc/ppp/options.palm \ ms-dns ms-dns 3.1 The options.palm content: crtscts netmask domain atras.itaparica passive local 4. On Linux execute (It's VERY IMPORTANT): echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE 5. On Palm open net prefs and (from pop-down menu) choose View log (only to see the provided IPs) 6. On Palm start WebPro application 7. Surf on the net and ENJOY!!! 8. To stop everything execute ./ #!/bin/bash hciconfig hci0 down rmmod rfcomm rmmod l2cap rmmod hci_usb rmmod bnep rmmod sco rmmod bluez rmmod usb-uhci killall -9 rfcomm killall -9 hcid killall -9