#VRML V2.0 utf8 # #
#[return] #

#  Example : Defining and rendering a cone and viewing it from (0,6,0)
#             looking at (0,0,0). For that rotates on x 90 degrees

# the Viewpoint node defines a location from which the user might (actually
# more than one Viewpoint can be defined) with the following parameters : 

#eventIn SFBool set_bind -> if a TRUE event arrives bound View (per default,
# the first encountered node is the bound one
#exposedField SFFloat fieldofView 0.785398 -> cone view; angle in radians
#exposedField SFBool jump TRUE -> specifies whether the user's view "jumps" 
# (animates) to the position of a bound Viewpoint 
#exposedField SFRotation orientation 0 0 1 0 -> default, user looking down
# the -Z axis with +X to the right and +Y straight up 
#exposedField SFVector position 0 0 10 -> observer position
#field SFString description ""
#eventOut SFTime bindTime -> time at which the Viewpoint is bound or unbound
#eventOut SFBool isBound -> signalizes present state after set_bind

# Observer in (0,6,0) looking at the origin
Viewpoint {
	position 0 6 0
# rotating on x 90 grades (1.6 rad) clockwise
	orientation -1 0 0 1.6
# Cone is defined without color and located at (0,0,0)
# defines a Shape Node 
	geometry Cone{}