#VRML V2.0 utf8 # #
#[return] #

# ex-texturetransform.wrl  
#  Example of TextureTransform node: it is the same example as ImageTexture.
#   A cube is drawn and a texture is defined in an Apperance node.
#   After that a texture rotation is defined (pi/2).
#   This causes the texture to be mapped on to the cube surfaces rotate
#   of pi/2 degrees
#  You have to pick the cube in order to see the texture

PointLight {
     ambientIntensity 1
     location 0 0 12

Viewpoint {
   position 0 0 12

  rotation 1 1 1 -.7
  children [
Shape {
   geometry Box { size 3 3 3 }
   appearance Appearance {
       material Material  { }
       texture ImageTexture {
         url "https://www.dca.fee.unicamp.br/~leopini/tut-vrml/examples/dca1.gif"
       textureTransform TextureTransform {rotation 1.8}