# # #[return] #
# example of use of sensors and route (and DEF for internal reuse)
# by Fabiana March, 97
# In this example when you touch the ball (mouse right button)
#  the text will move in the horizontal direction. When you touch
#  the box the text will move in the vertical direction
# see more details in [details]

#VRML V2.0 utf8

Viewpoint { position 0 0 50}

Group {
      children [

           translation -4 8 0
                children [
                                geometry Sphere{radius 1.5}
                                appearance Appearance{
                                      material Material{
                                         diffuseColor .73 .56 .56}
                         DEF STOUCH TouchSensor{}

           translation 4 8 0
                children [
                                geometry Box {size 2 2 2}
                                appearance Appearance{
                                      material Material{
                                         diffuseColor 0 1 0}
                          DEF BTOUCH TouchSensor{}

       DEF XTIMERH TimeSensor{ cycleInterval 2}
       DEF XTIMERV TimeSensor{ cycleInterval 2}
       DEF ANIMAH PositionInterpolator{
                 keys [ 0, .25, .5, .75, 1]
                 values[ 0 0 0, 8 0 0, 16 0 0, -8 0 0, 0 0 0]}

       DEF ANIMAV PositionInterpolator{
                 keys [ 0, .25, .5, .75, 1]
                 values[ 0 0 0, 0 -8 0, 0 -16 0, 0 -8 0, 0 0 0]}

       DEF SFORM Transform{
                   children Shape{
                       geometry Text{
                                 fontStyle FontStyle{
                                        style "BOLD"
                                        justify "MIDDLE"
                                 maxExtent 20


ROUTE STOUCH.touchTime TO XTIMERH.set_startTime
ROUTE XTIMERH.fraction TO ANIMAH.set_fraction
ROUTE ANIMAH.value_changed TO SFORM.set_translation

ROUTE BTOUCH.touchTime TO XTIMERV.set_startTime
ROUTE XTIMERV.fraction TO ANIMAV.set_fraction
ROUTE ANIMAV.value_changed TO SFORM.set_translation