#VRML V2.0 utf8 #
#[return] #
# ex-back-ground.wrl
#     Example of Background : ground 
#     Defining and rendering a cone using different backgrounds

# Background is the Ground with values from 0.4 0. 0. to 1 1 0
# actually we will have 4 concentric circles (top view) with
#  the colours : 0-.25 red, .25-.5 green, .5-.75 blue, and .75-pi/2 yellow

Background {
   groundAngle [0.25, .5, .75] # in radians
   groundColor [0.4 0. 0., 0 0.6 0 , 0 0 0.7, 1 1 0] # rgb

# Observer : (0,0,30) looking at (0,0,1)
Viewpoint {
       position 0 0 30
       orientation  0 0 1 0 # default
# Cone is defined without color and located at (0,0,0)
# Shape Node 
	geometry Cone{}