<<VRML 2.0 - An Introductory view by examples


[interpolator's example]                                       [run]

OrientationInterpolators interpolate linearly among a set of rotation values specified in the KeyValue filed. These rotations are absolute in object space and therefore not cumulative.

The interpolation is linear in arc lenght along the shortest path on the unit sphere between the two orientations.

eventIn SFFloat set_fraction # this input float value causes the interpolator function to evaluate
exposedField MFFloat key [ ] # key values in the set_fraction domain
exposedField MFRotation keyValue [ ] # functions values (1:1 related to above field)
eventOut SFRotation value_changed # current output value (associated to the current time)

Usage :

    OrientationInterpolator {
          key [0, 0.5, 1]
          keyValue [0 1 0 0, 0 1 0 3.14, 0 0 1 6.28]