<<VRML 2.0 - An Introductory view by examples


[extrusion example]                                      [run-example] 

This geometric node specifies geometric shapes extruding a 2D cross-section along a 3D path.

eventIn MFVec2f set_crossSection # input event for defining crosssection
eventIn MFRotation set_orientation # input event for defining orientation
eventIn MFVec2f set_scale # input event for defining scale
eventIn MFVec3f set_spine # input event for defining spine

field SFFloat creaseAngle 0 #
field SFBool ccw TRUE # normal orientation
field SFBool convex TRUE # convexibility of faces
field SFBool solid TRUE # visibility of faces

field SFBool beginCap TRUE # begin cap exists. It is planar.
field SFBool endCap TRUE # end cap exists. It is planar.
field MFVec2f crossSection [1 1, 1 -1, -1 -1, -1 1, 1 1] # plane crosssection definition
field MFRotation orientation 0 0 1 0 #
field MFVec2f scale 1 1 #
field MFVec3f spine [0 0 0, 0 1 0] # path definition

Usage :

   geometry Extrusion{
