Why doesn't ctrl-s work with emacs when I login remotely?

Sometimes when you try to access the CIS ANNEX terminal server, all ports will be busy. If this happens, you can try to connect through the SONNET Telnet Server (SONNGATE) by entering sonngate instead of cis. By default, SONNGATE turns flow control on. This means that certain control sequences, such as ctrl-S, are trapped. When logging on through SONNGATE, you need to turn flow control off so that you can use control sequences in emacs and other programs. This is done as follows:
              Logging on through SONNGATE.

     Service/Host Name?  sonngate

     Enter Selection: osu-

     Enter host.subdomain: iguana.cis

The key step is specifying the - after osu (no spaces). The dash turns flow control off.

See also section A.3 of the Sun SPARCstation Student User's Guide.

Last Update: 1/12/94 JGW