Checking your quota

How can I check my quota?

Use the command
This will display your current usage, your soft quota (quota), and your hard quota (limit):
% cis-quota

        Disk quotas for romig (uid 216):
        Filesystem     usage  quota  limit    timeleft
                       10253  10240  12720   2.0 days
Specifying an optional -q flag will print a message only if you have exceeded your soft quota.

If you use the default dot files, this check will be done automatically every time you log onto the system.

If you are over either your soft or hard quotas, you will see a message like this: Over disk quota on /a/seuss/export/1, remove 95K within 2.0 weeks If you do not use the default dot files, you can edit your .login file and add the command

        /usr/local/bin/cis-quota -q
See also disk quotas and policy on disk usage.

Last Update: 1/11/94 JGW