How do I set/change my password?

The command to change your password is passwd


Begin be typing passwd on the command line.

	% passwd
The following message will be displayed
	Changing password for white on pun.
and you will be asked to type your current password.
	Current password: 
Note that what you type will not be shown (echoed) on the display. If you mistype your current password, the process will still proceed. This error will only be detected after a new password is correctly entered.

You will then be asked to enter a new password. There are some restrictions on what it can be in order to provide greater security. It must be at least 5 characters long, it cannot be the same as the old one, etc... It any of these criteria are not met, you will be asked to create a new one. A few general guidelines for selecting passwords are

  • Don't use accessible personal information such as a middle name, nickname, social security number, birthday, etc...
  • Mixed case is helpful since passwords are case sensitive. e.g. mIXed_cASe
  • Use nuemonics such as the first letter of each word of a sentence. e.g. mpinfy - my password is not for you
  • You are prompted to enter the new password

    	New password: 
    To make certain that you typed what you thought you typed (since it is invisible), you are asked to verify the new password by retyping it.
    	Retype new password: 

    When all of this is done, the password change is initiated

    	Connecting to pun...connected
    	Password changed on pun
    	Changes will reach all machines in about an hour.
    As the last message states, it will take some time for the changed password to propagate through the network, so do not expect to be able to use your new password immediately.

    Right down your new password immediately and keep it in a safe place!

    See also man passwd and section 2.2.2 of the SunSPARCstation Student User's Guide

    Last Update: 1/11/94 JGW