Checking for Users

Logged on locally

When using a workstation console directly connected to the network, you can determine if other users/processes are using your workstation. From the command line type
% w
Each user process and its associated usage statistics will be displayed:
  5:09pm  up 15 days, 14 mins,  3 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.07, 0.00
User     tty       login@  idle   JCPU   PCPU  what
white    console   3May93 9days 1537:43 1508:14  /usr/local/bin/X11/xmosaic -geom
white    ttyp0     3May93  1:57      3      1  -csh 
white    ttyp1     3May93        13:27     41  w 
See also man w, man who, and man ps.

Logged on remotely

When dialing-in to the network, you will be prompted for a machine to rlogin (see remote access). At this point, you can tell which remote users are active on which machines using the w command described above.

Last Update: 1/7/94 JGW