General BSD Unix Commands

Login Procedure:

		Your login id is assigned to you by the system administrator
		or your instructor.  This is something you need to know 
		before you can login to a Unix system.  
		Remember: Case always counts in Unix.  Your login id will 
		typically be in all lower case with possibly some digits. 

Password Creation:

		You usually have an initial password on a system.  This is
		something you need to know before you can login to a Unix 
		system.  You use the passwd command to change it. 
		Remember: It is very important to change your password 
		occasionally.  A user who knows your password can do 
		anything to your work!  If you forget your password contact
		the system administrator who can change it for you.

Logging Out:

        ctrl-d  or  logout

Basic Commands

	ls    		  	Lists the contents of a directory.
	ls -l			Lists the contents of a directory 
				in long form.
	cd a_directory_name	Changes the user's location to that 
				directory in the file system. 
                Example:        cd  /usr/local
	cd      		Changes the user's location to their HOME 
				directory.  A user's HOME directory is the 
				directory they see when they log in. 
 				Other students home directories cannot be 
	pwd       		Shows the user's present working directory.
	mkdir a_directory_name	Creates a directory. 
	rmdir a_directory_name	Remove a directory.  Must be empty.
	cat file_name		Shows a file on the screen.  
				Do Not Use On Non-text Files!
	lpr file_name		Prints a file on the default printer.
	cp oldfile  newfile	Copies a file.
	mv oldfile  newfile	Moves a file.  Oldfile does not 
				exist after execution.
	rm file_name		Removes a file.  
				You can never change your mind!
	more file_name		Shows a file on the screen a page at a time. 
	man a_command		Shows the manual page for that command
				on the screen.
	mail			Read your mail.  See other sources on 
				how to use the mail program.
	vi file_name		Invoke the vi editor on a file. See other 
				sources on how to use vi.
	history			This command will show the commands 
				recently executed. 

                Examples:       !!	Repeat last command
				!#	Repeat command number #
                                !pat    Repeat first command that
                                        matches pattern.

NOTE:  The arrow keys are used in the editor only.  


Comments to:
Revised: April 9, 1996
Copyright © 1996 - DCA