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R.R. Gudwin, "Núcleo de Um Sistema de Processamento de Conhecimento em Tempo Real" - M.S. Thesis - DCA-FEE-UNICAMP - Feb. 1992.

R.R. Gudwin, "Contribuições ao Estudo Matemático de Sistemas Inteligentes" - Ph.D. Thesis - DCA-FEEC-UNICAMP - May, 1996.

Articles in Journals and Magazines

R.R. Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide, M.L. Andrade Netto e M.F. Magalhães, "A Real Time Procedure for Knowledge Processing", Journal of Systems Engineering vol. 4, n. 1, pp. 39-55, 1994.

R.R. Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide, M.L. Andrade Netto e M.F. Magalhães, "Knowledge Processing in Control Systems", IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 8, n. 1,pp.106-119, February 1996.

W.Pedrycz, R.R. Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide,"Nonlinear Context Adaptation in the Calibration of Fuzzy Sets", Fuzzy Sets and Systems 88 (1997) 91-97.

R.R.Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide, W. Pedrycz – "Context Adaptation in Fuzzy Processing and Genetic Algorithms" – International Journal of Intelligent Systems vol. 13, n. 10/11, pp. 929-948, Oct./Nov. 1998.

R.R. Gudwin, M.A. Silva, H.J. Almeida Jr., I.M.C. Ribeiro, F.A.C. Gomide, A.F. Rocha, "SDAF - Uma Ferramenta para o Desenvolvimento e Teste de Sistemas Utilizando Lógica Nebulosa" - Revista do Instituto de Informática da Puccamp - Ano 1 - No. 0, pp. 18-24, 1992.

F.A.C. Gomide, R.R. Gudwin, "Modelagem, Controle, Sistemas e Lógica Fuzzy", Controle & Automação, Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Automática, vol. 4, n° 3, pp. 97-115, Set/Out 1994.

Articles in Events (Conferences, Symposiums, etc)

F.A.C. Gomide, R.R. Gudwin, A.F. Rocha, M.A. Silva, H.J. Almeida Jr., I.M.C. Ribeiro, "A Fuzzy Supervision and Control Workstation", Proceedings of 3rd IFAC Symposium on Low Cost Automation LCA'92, 9-11/setembro Viena, Áustria, 1992.

J. Favilla, A. Machion, F.A.C Gomide, R.R. Gudwin, "Adaptive Fuzzy Logic-Based Urban Traffic Control" Proceedings of 3rd Annual IAKE Symposium, 16-19/ novembro, Washington-DC, USA, 1992.

F.A.C. Gomide, R.R. Gudwin, "Controle de Processos por Lógica Fuzzy" - Anais do 5° CONAI - Congresso Nacional de Automação Industrial - 1° Congresso Internacional de Automação - São Paulo, Junho de 1993.

R.R. Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide, "A Real Time Procedure for Knowledge Processing", Proceedings of IFAC 1993 World Congress, 18-23/julho Sydney, Australia, 1993.

R.R. Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide, "Genetic Algorithms and Discrete Event Systems : An Application" - Proceedings of The First IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 26/6-2/7 Orlando, Florida, USA, 1994, vol II, pp. 742-745.

R.R. Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide, "Context Adaptation in Fuzzy Processing" - Proceedings of the Brazil-Japan Joint Symposium on Fuzzy Systems, 19-22/Julho Campinas - SP -Brasil, 1994, pp. 15-20.

F.A.C. Gomide, R.R. Gudwin, "Modelagem, Controle, Sistemas e Lógica Fuzzy" - Tutorials of Brazil-Japan Joint Symposium on Fuzzy Systems, 19-22/julho, Campinas - SP - Brasil, 1994, pp. 1-28.

F.A.C. Gomide, R.R. Gudwin, R. Tanscheit, "Conceitos Fundamentais da Teoria de Conjuntos Fuzzy e Aplicações" - Tutorials of 6th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress - IFSA 95, 21-28/Julho, São Paulo - SP - Brasil, 1995.

R.R. Gudwin, F.AC. Gomide, W. Pedrycz -  "Nonlinear Context Adaptation with a Genetic Algorithm" IFSA'97 - International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress - 22-28/July - .Prague, Czech Republic, 1997, vol II, pp. 300-305.

R.R. Gudwin, F.AC. Gomide -  "An Approach to Computational Semiotics" - ISAS'97 - Intelligent Systems and Semiotics - A Learning Perspective - International Conference - 22-25/September - .Gaithersburg, USA, 1997, pp. 467-470.

R.R. Gudwin, F.AC. Gomide -  "A Computational Semiotics Approach for Soft Computing" - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics - SMC'97 - 12-15/October - Orlando, USA, 1997, vol. 4, pp. 3981-3986.

R.R.Gudwin, L.L.Suarez, J.A.S.Guerrero – "Comparación de la Aplicación de Métodos de Primer y Segundo Orden para el Aprendizaje de Redes Neuronales" – Anales de lo 6to. Crongreso Internacional de Nuevas Tecnologías y Aplicaciones Informáticas - VI Convención y Feria Internacional INFORMATICA΄98 – Havana, Cuba, Febrero, 16-21, 1998.

R.R.Gudwin, L.L.Suarez, J.A.S.Guerrero – "Comparación de la Aplicación de Métodos Inductivos y Evolutivos para el Aprendizaje de Redes Neuronales." – Proceedings do II Workshop SINTED/CYTED - Sistemas Inteligentes em Edifícios, Varadero, Cuba, 2-6 Fevereiro, 1998.

R.Gudwin, F.Gomide – "Object Networks – A Modelling Tool" – Proceedings of FUZZ-IEEE98, WCCI’98 - IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 4-9 May 1998, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, pp. 77-82

R.Gudwin, F.Gomide – "A Fuzzy Elevator Group Controller with Linear Context Adaptation" – Proceedings of FUZZ-IEEE98, WCCI’98 - IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 4-9 May 1998, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, pp. 481-486.

R. Gonçalves, F. Gomide, R. Gudwin – "Fielded Object Networks as a Framework for Computer Intelligence" – Proceedings of ISAS'98 - Intelligent Systems and Semiotics - International Conference, 14-18/September - Gaithersburg, USA, 1998, pp. 210-214.

R. Gonçalves, R. Gudwin – "Semiotic Oriented Autonomous Intelligent Systems Engineering" – Proceedings of ISAS'98 - Intelligent Systems and Semiotics - International Conference, 14-18/September - Gaithersburg, USA, 1998, pp. 700-705.

R.R. Gudwin – "On the Generalized Deduction, Induction and Abduction as the Elementary Operators within Computational Semiotics" – Proceedings of ISAS'98 - Intelligent Systems and Semiotics - International Conference, 14-18/September - Gaithersburg, USA, 1998, pp. 795-800.

R.Gonçalves, R. Gudwin – "Fielded Object Networks and Semiotic Engineering Techniques in Intelligent Systems" – Proceedings do III Workshop SINTED/CYTED - Sistemas Inteligentes em Edifícios, 16-20/Novembro - Cancun, México, 1998.

L.N. Castro, E.M. Iyoda, F.J. Von Zuben, R.R. Gudwin – "Feedforward Neural Network Initialization: an Evolutionary Approach" – Proceedings of Vth Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks, 9-11/December - Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 1998, pp. 43-48.

R.R. Gudwin, M.A. Silva, H.J. Almeida Jr., I.M.C. Ribeiro, "SDAF - Uma Ferramenta Para o Desenvolvimento e Teste de Sistemas Utilizando Lógica Nebulosa" - Anais do Simpósio sobre Integração Computadorizada na Automatização Industrial, SOBRACON - Sociedade Brasileira de Comando Numérico 18-20/setembro, São Paulo-SP, 1991.

F.A.C. Gomide, R.R. Gudwin, A.F. Rocha, M.A. Silva, H.J. Almeida Jr., I.M.C. Ribeiro, "Um Ambiente para o Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Controle utilizando Lógica Nebulosa" - Anais do 9° Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 14-18/ Setembro, Vitória-ES, 1992.

Chapters in Book

F.A.C. Gomide, R.R. Gudwin, "Lógica Fuzzy Aplicada à Manufatura" - em L.D.B.Terra (Ed.)-M.Markus, P.P.Costa Jr. (Orgs), Manufatura Integrada por Computador - Contexto, Tendências e Técnicas, Fundação CEFETMINAS, 1995.

R.R.Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide – "Object Networks : A Formal Model to develop Intelligent Systems" – in W.Pedrycz and J.F.Peters, editors – Computational Intelligence in Software Engineering - World Scientific Pub Co; ISBN: 9810235038, June 1998.

R.R.Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide – "Object Networks : A Computational Framework to Compute with Words" – in L.A.Zadeh and J. Kacprzyk, editors - Computing with Words in Information/Intelligent Systems – Springer Verlag (to appear).

Mini Courses

R.R. Gudwin, "Introdução à Semiótica Computacional" - XVII Seminário Nacional dos Estudantes de Engenharia - Goiânia-GO, 21-25/Julho, 1996.

Technical Reports

R.R. Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide, - "Computational Semiotics : An Approach for the Study of Intelligent Systems- Part I : Foundationsl" - Technical Report RT-DCA 09 - DCA-FEEC-UNICAMP, 1997.

R.R. Gudwin, F.A.C. Gomide, - "Computational Semiotics : An Approach for the Study of Intelligent Systems- Part II : Theory and Application" - Technical Report RT-DCA 09 - DCA-FEEC-UNICAMP, 1997.


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Last modified: 23th May, 2000 .