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Illustrate the Otsu Thresholding Selection Method

Demo Script

Image read and histograming

Gray scale image and its histogram

>>> import Numeric

>>> f = iaread('woodlog.pgm');

>>> iashow(f)
(256, 256) Min= 0 Max= 255 Mean=91.026 Std=53.61
>>> H = iahistogram(f)

>>> x = Numeric.arange(len(H))

>>> k = x[0:-1]

>>> g,d = iaplot(x, H)
f x, H

Normalized histogram

If the histogram is divided by the number of pixels in the image, it can be seen as a probability distribution. The sum of each values gives one. The mean gray level can be computed from the normalized histogram.

>>> import MLab

>>> h = 1.*H/Numeric.product(f.shape)

>>> print Numeric.sum(h)
>>> mt = Numeric.sum(x * h)

>>> st2 = Numeric.sum((x-mt)**2 * h)

>>> if abs(mt - MLab.mean(Numeric.ravel(f))) > 0.01: iaerror('error in computing mean')
error in computing mean
>>> if abs(st2 - MLab.std(Numeric.ravel(f))**2) > 0.0001: iaerror('error in computing var')
error in computing var
>>> print 'mean is %2.2f, var2 is %2.2f' % (mt, st2)
mean is 91.03, var2 is 2873.86
>>> maux = 0 * h

>>> maux[int(mt)] = max(h)

>>> g,d1 = iaplot(x,h)
>>> g,d2 = iaplot(x,maux)
>>> g.plot(d1, d2)
x,h x,maux
d1, d2

Two classes

Suppose the pixels are categorized in two classes: smaller or equal than the gray scale t and larger than t. The probability of the first class occurrence is the cummulative normalized histogram. The other class is the complementary class.

>>> w0 = MLab.cumsum(h[0:-1])

>>> aux = h[1::]

>>> w1aux = MLab.cumsum(aux[::-1])[::-1]

>>> w1 = 1 - w0

>>> if max(abs(w1-w1aux)) > 0.0001: iaerror('error in computing w1')

>>> g,d1 = iaplot(k,w0)
>>> g,d2 = iaplot(k,w1)
>>> g.plot(d1, d2)
k,w0 k,w1
d1, d2

Mean gray level of each class

The mean gray level as a function of the thresholding t is computed and displayed below.

>>> m0 = MLab.cumsum(k * h[0:-1]) / (1.*w0)

>>> m1 = (mt - m0*w0)/w1

>>> aux = (k+1) * h[1::]

>>> m1x = MLab.cumsum(aux[::-1])[::-1] / (1.*w1)

>>> mm = w0 * m0 + w1 * m1

>>> if max(abs(m1-m1x)) > 0.0001: iaerror('error in computing m1')

>>> g,d1 = iaplot(k,m0)
>>> g,d2 = iaplot(k,m1)
>>> g,d3 = iaplot(k,mm)
>>> g.plot(d1,d2,d3)
k,m0 k,m1
k,mm d1,d2,d3

Variance of each class

The gray level variance as a function of the thresholding t is computed and displayed below.

>>> s02 = MLab.cumsum((k-m0)**2 * h[0:-1]) / (1.*w0)

>>> aux = ((k+1)-m1)**2 * h[1::]

>>> s12 = MLab.cumsum(aux[::-1])[::-1] / (1.*w1)

>>> g,d1 = iaplot(k, s02)
>>> g,d2 = iaplot(k, s12)
>>> g.plot(d1, d2)
k, s02 k, s12
d1, d2

Class separability

The variance between class is a good measure of class separability. As higher this variance, the better the class clustering.

>>> sB2 = w0 * ((m0 - mt)**2) + w1 * ((m1 - mt)**2)

>>> sBaux2 = w0 * w1 * ((m0 - m1)**2)

>>> if max(sB2-sBaux2) > 0.0001: iaerror('error in computing sB')

>>> v = max(sB2)

>>> t = (sB2.tolist()).index(v)

>>> eta = 1.*sBaux2[t]/st2

>>> print 'Optimum threshold at %f quality factor %f' % (t, eta)
Optimum threshold at 93.000000 quality factor 0.694320
>>> g,d1 = iaplot(k, sB2)
>>> g,d2 = iaplot(k, H[0:-1])
>>> g,d3 = iaplot(k, s02)
>>> g,d4 = iaplot(k, s12)
>>> g.plot(d1, d2, d3, d4)
k, sB2 k, H[0:-1]
k, s02 k, s12
d1, d2, d3, d4


The thresholded image is displayed to illustrate the result of the binarization using the Otsu method.

>>> x_ = iashow(f > t)
(256, 256) Min= 0 Max= 1 Mean=0.472 Std=0.50
f > t

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